What Grandmas Can't Do

Diane Davies reads What Grandmas Can't Do by Douglas Wood Illustrated by Doug Cushman.

There are lots of things regular people can do, but grandmas can’t. Grandmas can’t bake your favorite cookies by themselves. And sometimes they can’t laugh without tears coming out of their eyes. Grandmas can’t let you go to bed without reading you a story — or six.

But of all the many things grandmas can’t do, there’s one thing that they can’t do best of all; they can’t possibly love you more than they already do!
— Amazon
Douglas Wood is the author of A Quiet Place, as well as the New York Times bestselling, Can’t Do series. His books Old Turtle and Old Turtle and the Broken Truth were both international bestsellers. He lives in a cabin in the woods of Minnesota. A studied naturalist, Douglas shares his knowledge of nature as a wilderness guide. Visit him at DouglasWood.com.
— Amazon

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