Diane Davies | Award-Winning Children's Author & Breast Cancer Advocate

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Nineteen COVID-19 Lessons

Nineteen COVID-19 Lessons

By Diane Davies

  1. How quickly a country can shut down.

  2. Fear certainly is a great motivator.

  3. How fast the art of cooking is remembered/learned.

  4. Parents having quality time to spend with their children.

  5. Children having quality time to spend with their parents.

  6. Husbands and wives becoming reacquainted.

  7. Remembering how to communicate face to face.

  8. Parents understanding more about how learning works.

  9. Parents understanding more about how teachers work.

  10. New and creative ways of using technology to stay in touch with relatives and friends.

  11. How to sew a face mask to protect yourself and others.

  12. Children using their imagination to play new games they created on their own.

  13. Remembering how to reach out to others in love and friendship and doing it.

  14. Learning about what lonely feels like.

  15. Finally, some family time to eat meals together.

  16. Remembering/Learning how to pray.

  17. Learning how to do distance learning, worship, prayer, friendship.

  18. New and resourceful ways of using our brains to be innovative, productive, inventive, and artistic.

  19. Remembering how to “Be Still and Know That I Am God!” Psalm 46:10

Sent in by viewers:

Learning a new hobby you’ve wanted to try, but no time. Like knitting, crochet, rock painting, gardening, photography etc. . . -MY

Picking up and actually reading that book you bought for “someday I’ll read this when I have time.” -MY

Wife and husband working together in the kitchen and trying new items to cook. -BF

Playing cards with my family in TN via online. It’s become a family time and thing for us to do together even when we are so far apart. -JB

Dropping a handwritten note in the mail, the old-fashioned way. Pausing to appreciate so many things we took for granted just a few weeks ago. -LV

Remembering how to deep clean a house and then having time to do it. -KJ

Teaching kids how to dust and vacuum. -KJ

The MVPs of this world are not the sports heros and movie stars bu the family, friends, and caregivers that put their lives at risk for us. -DD

It’s okay to crack a beer at 9 a.m. -MK

How to blow ring bubbles in the pool. -NP

Thanks to my readers for these additions! You are the best!